$5.6Mpersonal injury judgmentOur client suffered significant back injuries while working for an employer that did not have work comp insurance.
$5.6Mpersonal injury judgmentWe proceeded through litigation and ultimately obtained a judgment against the responsible parties.
$3.5Mvehicle accident settlementOur client was t-boned by a construction truck and needed a spine surgery.
$1.5Mcontractor negligenceJury verdict
$1.48Mside impact vehicle collision settlementSide impact motor vehicle accident causing orthopedic injuries and fibromyalgia, necessitating pain management and permanent residuals.
$1.08Mbad faith insurance settlement
$1Mvehicle accident settlementFront end motor vehicle accident with neck and back injuries, requiring surgery. Policy limits settlement
$1Mvehicle accident verdictRear end motor vehicle accident with neck and back injuries, as well as aggravated migraine headaches. Defense pre-trial offer of $90,000.00.
$1Mvehicle accident verdictThe case was aggressively defended and ultimately went to trial, and we obtained a verdict of $1,005,716.00, plus costs and expert costs.
$850Kbicycle accident settlementZero offer prior to filing a lawsuit. After numerous depos and extensive expert work we were able to negotiate a $850,000.00 settlement between two defendants.
$850Khorse accident settlementClient suffered knee injuries in a horse accident requiring surgery and permanent impairment. Liability was initially denied and the case was aggressively defended.
$759Kbad faith insurance verdictOur client had a slab leak at their home which the insurance company failed to properly fix. After a multi-week jury trial, the jury found that the insurance company acted in bad faith and awarded substantial damages for our clients.
$725Kvehicle accident settlement$725,000.00 settlement after initial denial of coverage.
$500KT-bone motor vehicle collisionPolicy limits settlement
$500Kvehicle accident settlementSerious injury rear end motor vehicle accident settled for policy limits.
$400Kvehicle accident settlementOur client eventually had a surgery over three years post-accident and despite that, we were able to settle the case for $400,000.00.
$310Kbicycle v. pedestrian settlementOur client was jogging in a marked crosswalk and struck by a bicyclist that ran a red light.
$300Kt bone vehicle accident settlementLiability was initially denied but we pushed through and obtained the policy limits from the at-fault party and the balance of our client’s UIM policy limits.
$300Krear end motor vehicle accident settlementModerate impact rear end accident requiring shoulder surgery settled for $300,000.00 policy limits.
$266Kvehicle accident settlementClient was a back seat passenger in vehicle that collided with a parked car.
$252Khead on vehicle accident settlementThe at fault driver did not have any insurance but luckily our client had $250,000.00 in UM (Underinsured Motorist Coverage) through her own insurance carrier as well as medical payments coverage.
$252Khead on vehicle accident settlementOur client had major injuries requiring surgery and had to be cut out of the vehicle. The initial medical bills were over the UM policy limits but we were able to get the health insurer to accept nearly 1/3 of the bills as payment in full as well as continue to cover any future care needed.
$250Kvehicle accident settlementClient was a passenger in a severe head on collision where the at fault driver crossed the double yellow line and collided with the client’s car at approximately 40 mph.
$250Kvehicle accident settlementWe were able to negotiate client’s medical bills paid by the health insurance down significantly and recover the policy limits of $252,000.00.
$215Kmotor vehicle accident settlementRear end motor vehicle accident with soft tissue injuries.
$121.7Kinsurance bad faith settlementTravel insurance bad faith claim.
$120Kinsurance bad faith settlementFailure to pay money due to client under homeowner’s policy.
$120Kproperty damage settlementFire damage to office building/storage facility. Case settled for $120,000.00 before litigation in addition to payments received by client from his own insurance company.
$101Kinsurance bad faith verdictDenied homeowner’s claim involving water loss. Insurance company wrongfully denied the claim in bad faith, and never offered any money on the claim.
$100Kboat accident settlementClient was thrown from a boat when the driver ran aground. Multiple law firms in San Diego turned down the case before the client came to Haffner & Morgan.
$100Kboat accident settlement Client sustained orthopedic injuries to her knees. $100,000.00 policy limits settlement.
$83Kinsurance bad faith verdictClient’s insurance company refused to pay for $4,000.00 stolen truck which was taken to Mexico and never returned.
$83Kinsurance bad faith verdictVerdict of $11,500.00, with a post-verdict settlement of $71,500.00, including costs and attorney’s fees.