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San Diego Auto Defect Attorney

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We typically think of car accidents in California as resulting from a driver’s careless or reckless actions. In fact, California bases its pure comparison negligence insurance system on proving another driver’s fault so car accident injury victims can recover compensation for their damages like medical expenses and lost wages. But what happens when the cause of an accident is a mechanical malfunction or automotive defect? A surprising number of car accidents in San Diego and elsewhere result from auto defects and mechanical failures—about 12-13%, or around 44,000 in a single recent year.

What Kinds of Auto Defects Cause Car Accidents In San Diego?

Some automotive defects and mechanical failures exist in an entire line of products, often ending in a recall. Others occur as a manufacturing mistake and impact only a single vehicle or part, or a number of products produced with the same error. Examples of automotive defects that cause accidents include the following:

  • Faulty tires
  • Brake system failures
  • Steering system failures
  • Accelerators that stick or fail
  • Faulty fuel system components
  • Engine cooling problems
  • Windshield wiper failures
  • Faulty seats that slide forward or backward
  • Seatbelt failures
  • Electrical problems
  • Brake light failures
  • Airbag problems such as faulty sensors that cause unnecessary deployment
  • Unstable vehicle designs such as SUVs that roll over easily
  • Defective windshield glass
  • Transmission defects that cause a car to slip into neutral or reverse
  • Inadequate vehicle roof support resulting in crushing in an accident

When an accident directly results from a defective car or faulty car part, the process of recovering compensation for damages departs from the typical car accident claim against a negligent driver.

Understanding Auto Defect Accidents in San Diego

Auto and automotive part manufacturers have a legal responsibility to design, produce, and distribute safe, reliable products to promote public safety on the roadways. The U.S. Code for Motor Vehicle Safety (Title 49, Chapter 301) describes automotive safety as:

“The performance of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment in a way that protects the public against unreasonable risk of accidents occurring because of the design, construction, or performance of a motor vehicle, and against unreasonable risk of death or injury in an accident, and includes nonoperational safety of a motor vehicle.”

When a manufacturer produces a product that causes injuries, they are liable for the injury victim’s damages. In these cases, the car accident claim becomes a defective product claim for compensation.

Defective Product Claims for Auto Defect Accidents in San Diego

A manufacturer has strict liability when a consumer suffers an injury caused by their product. Under strict liability, an injury victim doesn’t have to prove negligence the way they would in a car accident compensation claim against another driver. In a defective product claim, the injury victim must prove that the auto defect caused the accident due to a design flaw, a manufacturing defect, or a marketing failure, such as incomplete instructions or lack of adequate safety warnings.

How Can an Auto Defect Accident Attorney In San Diego Help My Case?

Proving that a design defect or mechanical malfunction caused a car accident takes a thorough investigation, consultation with mechanical experts, and careful documentation of evidence to make a compelling case for compensation. This process quickly becomes overwhelming for most car accident victims, particularly while they are trying to recover from serious injuries. Call the experienced car accident lawyers at Haffner & Morgan, LLP today to set up a free evaluation of your case and begin a strong strategy for your recovery.