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Time Limits in California Car Accidents

Posted August 27, 2024
The aftermath of a car accident is chaotic and confusing, especially if you or a loved one suffered injuries. While the initial focus is on dealing with the injuries and trauma with prompt medical care, in the hours and days after a car accident, accident victims in California must adhere to their state’s time...
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The Role of Expert Witnesses In San Diego Car Accident Cases

Posted August 27, 2024
California’s fault-based insurance system requires car accident victims to prove another driver’s fault in an accident to obtain compensation through a car accident claim. Under the state’s comparison negligence insurance laws, the insurance company assigns an investigator to determine each driver’s percentage of fault for an accident. California’s laws allow an insurer to lower...
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Steps in a Rideshare Accident Lawsuit

Posted May 5, 2024
We love the convenience of a private car showing up to drive us to a destination with the simple swipe of an app. The rideshare industry has exploded in the last decade, going from a niche market to a global phenomenon that changed the way we travel while on vacations, business trips, and within...
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How Often Do Slip and Fall Accidents Occur?

Posted March 25, 2024
A sudden slip-and-fall accident is at best embarrassing and painful, even when we brush ourselves off and walk away. At its worst, a slip-and-fall accident can cause serious injuries, including those that result in missed work days, expensive hospital bills, and sometimes even permanent disability. How common are serious slip-and-fall accidents, how do they...
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Grief/Bereavement Resources If You Have Lost a Loved One In San Diego

Posted March 18, 2024
Note: This resource is provided for informational purposes only and is not endorsed or affiliated with any specific organization mentioned. Grief and anguish over the loss of a loved one is a deeply personal experience. Others may say they understand, but no one else is inside your head and heart, so it’s common to...
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How Much Money Can I Get From a Car Accident Case?

Posted February 10, 2024
A minor fender-bender is inconvenient, but a serious car accident can be physically and financially devastating. At the same time that your vehicle has been totaled, hefty medical bills start coming in while you’re unable to work due to temporary or permanent immobility and painful medical procedures. Even car accident victims with less serious...
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