How Often Should You Take Your Motorcycle In For Maintenance?
Riding the open roads in the open-air design of a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience. A motorcycle is also a gas-friendly option for daily transportation to work or school. The maintenance of a motorcycle isn’t as complex as that of a car or truck, but that doesn’t mean a motorcyclist should procrastinate or ignore...
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How Medical Records Can Strengthen Your Car Accident Claim
It can be difficult to keep a cool head after a car accident, especially if you’ve suffered injuries. After the shock and distress of the accident, some drivers who can walk away from the accident just want to go home and recover so they refuse a ride to the hospital. Unfortunately, car accident victims...
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What to Know About Red Light Cameras in San Diego
National data from 2019 lists California as the worst state in the country for car accidents caused by drivers running red lights. Running a red light is a tremendous risk, not only of causing an accident and bearing liability for any property damage, injuries, or deaths, but in California, it also risks traffic citations,...
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Why Is Lane-Splitting Legal In California?
California is the only state in the U.S. to legalize lane splitting for motorcyclists. Several other states do not have laws explicitly illegalizing lane splitting. In these states, many motorcyclists view lane splitting as de facto legal, but whether or not they’re ticketed for a traffic infraction largely depends on the jurisdiction. In California,...
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Your Guide to California’s Right of Way Laws
California is well-known for its glittering beaches and glittering Hollywood celebrities, but it’s also notorious for its traffic congestion and challenging driving conditions—including its complex system of laws governing the right-of-way. The state’s right-of-way laws regulate traffic flow and help protect vulnerable pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Illegal turns, unsafe lane changes, and failure to...
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